Upper Peninsula Imaging provides radiological services throughout the Upper Peninsula of Michigan. UPI's board certified physicians provide interpretations of all radiology imaging modalities. Services include:
Nuclear Medicine Imaging:
Whole body bone scans, 3 phase bone scans, Myoview Cardiac Stress Imaging, Thyroid scan and uptake, Hepatobillary scan, Gastric emptying studies, Ventilation/Perfusion Lung Scan, Sentinal Node imaging, PET scan, I131 thyroid treatment, MAG3 renal scan, Parathyroid scan.
Musculoskeletal, Brain, Spine, Breast, MR angiography, MRCP, TMJs.
Abdominal, Pelvic, Upper and lower extremity, Obstetrical, Musculoskeletal, Renal arteries, Carotids and general vasculary studies, Testicular and prostate studies, ultrasound guidance to facilitate biopsies and interventional procedures.
Screening and Diagnostic Mammograms. (tomosynthesis accredited). UPI is the only tomosynthesis accredited group that provides immediate, same-day, diagnostic workup and breast biopsies.
Plain Films:
All plain films studies including bone age and arthritic surveys.
Esophagram, Barium swallow, Upper GI, Small bowel follow through, Barium enema, fluorscopic guidance for arthrograms, myelograms, biopsies and other interventional procedures.
Head, Spine, Chest, Abdomen, Pelvis, Upper and lower extremties and joints, CT angiography, CT guidance for biopsies and interventional procedures.
UPI also provides a full range of Interventional Procedures:
- CT and ultrasound guided biopsies
- Stereotactic Biopies
- CT and ultrasound guided drainage procedures with and without catheter placement
- Myelograms
- Arthrograms
- Epidural Steroid Injections (ESI)
- Vertebroplasty and kyphoplasty
- Ultrasound and fluoroscopic guided intrarticular sterioid injections
- Facet joint injections
- SI joint injections
- Vericose and spider vein treatments
- Dialsysis catheter placements and dialysis graft and fistula declotting and maintenance
- Angiograms with balloon angioplasty and stent placement
- IVC filter placement
- G-Tube and J-Tube placements
- Thorocentesis and pleurocentisis
- Nephrostomy tube placements
- Uterine artery and vein embolization
- Central Venous Line placements including PIC lines
- Tunneled catheters with and without ports